Bailey Benghazi

Bailey, D. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice). Volume III, Part 2: The Lamps. (Tripoli, 1985).

The excavations sponsored by the Society for Libyan Studies at Sidi Khrebish (Benghazi) have provided a full account of the Greek settlement and later Roman occupation of the city of Berenice. The published volumes provide the most significant interdisciplinary documentation of the archaeology of an urban site in North Africa, on a scale comparable to Carthage. Volume III: Part 2: The Lamps (D. Bailey) consists of a catalogue and discussion of the many thousands of lamps and lamp-sherds recorded, of which over 1200 are illustrated. The evidence of a substantial, but derivative, local lamp industry may be compared with the huge volume of imports from Africa, Tripolitania, Greece, Crete and Asia Minor.